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ICON Cancer Centre. Singapore


Icon Cancer Centre Singapore (previously Singapore Oncology Consultants) provides a holistic approach to cancer care, aligning each stage of a patient’s cancer journey with the information and support they need from diagnosis, through to treatment and beyond.

In 2016, Icon Cancer Centre Singapore became part of Icon Group – Australia’s largest dedicated provider of cancer care, with a growing reach into Asia and New Zealand.

We have a strong and prominent team of medical oncologists, haematologists and radiation oncologists who have received specialist training and worked in world-renowned cancer centres. They are dedicated to delivering personalised, evidence-based treatment plans to support patients and their families through their cancer treatment.



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World Cancer Research



Global cancer data by country


On this page you can find age-standardised rates for all cancers (including non-melanoma skin cancer) ordered by the countries with the 50 highest rates.

The age-standardised rate for all cancers (including non-melanoma skin cancer) for men and women combined was 197.9 per 100,000 in 2018. The rate was higher for men (218.6 per 100,000) than women (182.6 per 100,000).

With the burden growing in almost every country, prevention of cancer is one of the most significant public health challenges of the 21st century. Around 40% of cancer cases could be prevented by reducing exposure to cancer risk factors including diet, nutrition and physical activity – for more information see our Cancer Prevention Recommendations or read our blog.


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Colorectal cancer in Saudi Arabia 


Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Saudi males and ranks third in females with up to 73% of cases diagnosed at late stage. This review provides an analysis of CRC situation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) from healthcare perspective. A PUBMED (1986–2018) search was done to identify publications focusing on CRC in KSA. Due to reports of increased CRC incidence among young age group (< 50), and given the young population of KSA, the disease may burden the national healthcare system in the next decades. Environmental factors attributed to increasing incidence rates of CRC include red meat consumption, sedentary lifestyle, and increased calorie intake. Despite substantial investment in healthcare, attention to predictive diagnostics and targeted prevention is lacking. There is a need to develop national screening guidelines based on evidence that supports a reduction in incidence and mortality of CRC when screening is implemented. 


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Latin America Cancer Control Scorecard 


The Economist Intelligence Unit has created a unique scorecard, the Latin America Cancer Control Scorecard (LACCS), which covers policies and programmes designed to reduce inequality in cancer-care access in 12 Latin American countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay (the study countries). To do so, it assessed current policy responses and identified opportunities for improvement over time to reduce inequalities. The LACCS tracks six domains: cancer plan; monitoring performance; medicines availability; radiotherapy availability; prevention and early detection; and finance. It was not designed to measure the level of inequality or its impact. Raw scores for each domain have been normalised to a scale of 1-5 to enable comparisons across domains. 


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The European cancer burden in 2020: Incidence and mortality estimates for 40 countries and 25 major cancers


Europe is an important focus for compiling accurate and up-to-date world cancer statistics owing to its large share of the world's total cancer burden. This article presents incidence and mortality estimates for 25 major cancers across 40 individual countries within European areas and the European Union (EU-27) for the year 2020.


The estimated national incidence and mortality rates are based on statistical methodology previously applied and verified using the most recently collected incidence data from 151 population-based cancer registries, mortality data and 2020 population estimates.


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Molecular and phenotypic profiling of colorectal cancer patients in West Africa reveals biological insights


Understanding the molecular and phenotypic profile of colorectal cancer (CRC) in West Africa is vital to addressing the regions rising burden of disease. Tissue from unselected Nigerian patients was analyzed with a multigene, next-generation sequencing assay. The rate of microsatellite instability is significantly higher among Nigerian CRC patients (28.1%) than patients from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA, 14.2%) and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC, 8.5%, P < 0.001). In microsatellite-stable cases, tumors from Nigerian patients are less likely to have APC mutations (39.1% vs. 76.0% MSKCC P < 0.001) and WNT pathway alterations (47.8% vs. 81.9% MSKCC, P < 0.001); whereas RAS pathway alteration is more prevalent (76.1% vs. 59.6%, P = 0.03). Nigerian CRC patients are also younger and more likely to present with rectal disease (50.8% vs. 33.7% MSKCC, P < 0.001). The findings suggest a unique biology of CRC in Nigeria, which emphasizes the need for regional data to guide diagnostic and treatment approaches for patients in West Africa.


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Cancer statistics in China and United States, 2022: profiles, trends, and determinants


The cancer burden in the United States of America (USA) has decreased gradually. However, China is experiencing a transition in its cancer profiles, with greater incidence of cancers that were previously more common in the USA. This study compared the latest cancer profiles, trends, and determinants between China and USA.


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The Balkan Region


Primary Care System Factors and Clinical Decision-making in Patients that Could Have Lung Cancer: a Vignette Study in Five Balkan Region Countries


Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death, with wide variations in national survival rates. This study compares primary care system factors and primary care practitioners' (PCPs') clinical decision-making for a vignette of a patient that could have lung cancer in five Balkan region countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania).


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Regional distribution of genetic mutation in lung cancer in Turkey (REDIGMA)


The results of standard chemotherapy in lung cancer are not very satisfactory, so it is important to identify genetic mutations that provide targeted therapies. Recent reports have suggested influences of racial difference on the frequency of mutation in lung cancer. We aimed to determine the frequency and regional distribution of genetic mutations of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in Turkey.


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